How up-to-date is someone's location?

Slopes balances up-to-date locations with battery usage. Since Slopes is built around tracking your day skiing, it is able to pick the best moments to sync your location and check for updates from friends. However, these updates can be affected by poor cell service (although Slopes will intelligently retry sending your latest location once it sees you have reception again). Slopes will try to sync:

  • When you get on/off a lift
  • When you pause/resume
  • When you travel a certain distance from your last synced location
  • When you come to a stop for a certain amount of time
  • If none of those criteria are met, every 4 minutes

If you're recording via your Watch, and checking locations on your phone, you may notice a few second delay as the phone updates. In that situation only the Watch app is running in the background while you ride so the phone doesn't have the opportunity to check automatically in the background.

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