How to use the Timeline Editor

The Timeline Editor is your go-to tool for correcting recording data. Slopes is really good at detecting lifts & runs, but sometimes it might mess things up:

  • If the run wasn't tall / long enough
  • If you rode downhill on a lift
  • If there was an issue with GPS signal

    If you often have issues with GPS signal, we recommend checking out our GPS Tips.

To get to the Timeline Editor, go to the Logbook and open the recording. At the top of the screen you'll see ReplayCompareAR and three dots for more actions. Tap on the dots, then tap on Edit.

Then, tap on Timeline Editor under Tools.

From here you can:

  • Tap on any of the red (run) and black (lift) boxes to extend/shorten or remove the ones Slopes automatically found. 
  • If Slopes missed a lift or run you can hit the blue + button to add it in.
  • Use the Tap to See Where it Happened feature to zone in on GPS speed spikes and edit them out if they happened at the start or end of a run.

To move through the timeline of your day, scroll to the left to go forward, or to the right to go back.

This view will also show you if there was a GPS issue (indicated by the ⚠️ in the example below). You'll notice a gap in the altitude line above all the blocks if there was no, or poor GPS data coming in at that time. A lot of times that'll naturally happen if you're standing still for a while, but if it happened during a run check out the GPS Tips.

You can still add a lift or a run in these gaps of GPS data, but you won't get any stats because there's no GPS data available for Slopes to be able to calculate anything.

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