What do I do if a friend isn't showing up?
Can't see each other? Here's a few things to check:
- The most common issue is that the people not showing up have connection issues. Slopes's location sharing does require an internet connection to work, and that isn't a guaranteed thing at all ski resorts. To check for connection issues, hit the ^ on the recording screen to expand the menu, then tap on Location Sharing. You'll see an error message there if your phone can't get online.
- Is everyone friends with each other? You can check who's on your friends list on the Friends tab.
- Did everyone start recording by picking the same resort? "Unlisted resort" does not support location sharing. Resort-tagging also needs an internet connection, so if you can't tag the resort, then you don't have connection to the internet.
- Does everyone have the location sharing turned on? Tap the ^ on the recording screen to expand the menu, then tap on Location Sharing to make sure that it says "ON".